Friday, 1 March 2013

Solution to Chapped Lips


The decline of the health of my lips is probably due to the stress I'm going through at school, but here is my little solution, which will take up to around a week to fix.

Before you start to read the method of how to fix up those dry suckers, you may be wondering my normal lip balm doesn't work as well, or at all.
-Lip balms all have a lot of thickened creaminess to them, they are thicker, and harder to soak into the lips. After using thick lip balms, such as Nivea Original, and using thinner ones such as Paw Paw cream and Mac Lip Conditioner, NOTHING loosened the skin of my lips. They were just on the top of my lips, and nothing ever happened. Also, a lot of the lip balm companies use a lot of weird and wacky waxes to keep the lip balm on your lips. The thickness of these balms wasn't able to loosen the skin like I wanted to, and I personally felt that they were adding to the problem.
-Another reason lip balms didn't work, was because lip balms can act almost like drugs. Your lips get hooked on them, and love them (eg, my lips loved the MAC lip conditioner), but after a really long time, they just get use to the chemicals, and they just don't do anything. Even if I change up the brands and the types of lip balms, sometimes they just don't work on my lips anymore, or need a break.
-One of the reasons why oil works best, is because they contain a lot of vitamin E. Also, they are so similar to your natural oils, and as chapped lips is due to your natural oils being lost, and therefore there is a seal on top of your lips to replace it, you want to show that there are natural oils available  and therefore the skin can loosen up and go away.

This is the dryness of my lips at the extremes. It's swollen like, with little lip creases on my lip. Flakey just below is lip.
My top lip though, is fine.
For my normal lip moisture, I use grapeseed or olive oil. It sinks in quite slowly, as the part of my lip which are chapped, is made up of a thickened skin. It takes around an hour to let all of it sink in, but it slightly loosens the tough skin. 
An added bonus, is that it gives a pretty good shine, so I can avoid lip gloss!

As you can see more clearly, on how my lips kind of look a bit pale and swollen.
Depending on how pissed off you are about your lips, you can use brown or white (preferably brown, as the texture is more moisturising) every day, or every other day to scrub your lips. 
I just add it to my lips with my finger, and move my lips about for a bit, and for my intesive scrubs, use a bit of a rough scrub object thing (stuff that you use to exfoliate with on your skin, it could be a cloth, or a rubber kind of thing...).
As you can see, after one of my sessions, my lips have more lip creases. Sadly, I'm going to have to continue with more grapeseed oil, and scrub for the next week. There is no quick cure for chapped lips, but if you follow a healthy diet containing all your daily supplements of vitamins and minerals, drinking heaps of water, you'll find your lips will be a bit better in no time. 

For those who HAVEN'T succeed through this method, instead of using oil, use an emollient cream, but you must scrub extra hard! I used this method once, and I had to scrub for at least a minute, and did that twice. Then, applied some Nivea Creme, and after a day, my lips were smooth. 

Best of luck!

PS: sorry for showing what's up my nostrils! haha

After around a day of JUST wearing grapeseed oil (no scrub, no other types of lip balm), my lips have improved. I don't know if you guys can see, but lip lines are coming through, and the swollen part of my lips have disappeared. Skin has loosened A LOT, as you can see with the dry pieces of skin appearing here and there.


I don't know if you can see the dry yellow middle part of my lips. THAT, is success people. The dead skin is easy to scrub off, and as I haven't scrubbed my lips since I posted this first, I can scrub tonight, and have softer lips. YAY :)

 This is probably the worst and best day. The weather was super dry, and my dead skin was just patchy and disgusting (sorry for the creepy and disgusting angle of my mouth, but it's the best way to see the cracks).
Same day, and all I did was scrubbed off the dead skin (used the skin twice), and then I applied some oil, but instead of just applying oil, I added some emollient cream (nivea creme), so help. As you can see, my lips are back to normal, probably just need I bit more moisture. YAY :)

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