Saturday, 30 August 2014

DRY SKIN: taking off makeup

After watching a John Green video about how he loves makeup, because he has dry skin, and makeup sort of adds to the moisture on his skin, thus he loves how it just makes his skin feel less irritated. That's probably the most relatable thing I have with a 35 year old best selling author, except for our shared love with pizza. 

However, removing makeup from my skin, usual entails a bit of pain for those with dry skin. You are literally taking off, like, two layers of skin, that sort of covers more layers of skin, and makes things feel nice and moisturised. And removing it, the putting on a thin layer of moisturiser, just doesn't feel as great as a bit of foundation. 

Zowie Power to the rescue! Instead of using all the harsh baby wipes (oh god, those are for a butt, not your face. I mean, underwear is for your butt. Why would you embellish your face with the fashionless nappy for a baby), and the alcohol drenched cleansing wipes which actually are designed to only wipe off half your face, or using that foaming cleanser which literally leaves your skin 'squeaky', use your moisturiser to wash your face. 

Take a dollop of moisturiser, and rub it on your makeup-ed face, for about a minute, and then rinse. I find that this takes off the makeup, but not skin cells.  Then, I wash with a mild cleansing balm, and rinse again. Double the moisturiser, and wah lah. 
No alcohol, no expensive cream washer, and all it is, is moisturiser.

Signing off,

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