Update on No Shampoo (3 months)

It's been around.... 3 months, I think, since I touch a bottle of shampoo for the purpose of putting it on my head. Not literally of course. But, I'm going to just chat with you all about how it's been going.
I love my hair much more now, then I ever did before. It's clean, and airy - like the hair on those ads. I'm not saying that you will become a hair model if you don't wash your hair, but it looks good and feels pretty good as well.
My routine now consists of using a bi-carb rinse around twice a week - I still haven't really stopping using a washing product, but it's because I use a particular lotion ting on my scalp for irritation, and that is it. I use elocon 0.1 lotion on my scalp every time i finish washing my hair, but unless you have irritation on the scalp, and the doctor prescribes it to you, you don't need it. 
-less washing the hair due to less oil
-less weight on the hair
-heat doesn't damage it as much - which is weird...
-smells like nothing. Or a freshly washed head. 
-saves at least 20 bucks in the recent months
-more volume
-the elocon actually soaks in so much better now that my scalp isn't covered with chemicals.

The only reason why these results are there, is because I'm stripping my hair from all the heavy waxes and chemicals I would use from the shampoo, and that's it. I think my scalp likes it a lot like this, and it's not as itchy. For those interested in styling, and wondering if the wax or creams come off, I would recommend using a bicarb rinse often, maybe even everyday (just use a lower concentration of bicarb -bicarb to water ratio), and I find that it comes off very well. Using the hairsprays which have a lower staying time, actually now last as long as before, and look natural. 
I would really recommend this, and I've been really enjoying not needing to think about what new shampoo I want to try. 
Anyway, I hope this helps any of those also wanting to not use shampoo, and those who are not using shampoo.

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