Thursday, 26 September 2013

Makeup Wipes are BAD

Majority of women don't take off their make up properly, even if they think they are. Ignoring the whole 'I can't be bothered to take off my makeup tonight' excuses, here are some BAD ways too take off your makeup:
-Makeup wipes 
-Cleansing waters

Part one: Makeup wipes
WHAT? Makeup wipes are bad for removing makeup?
Yup, the amount of alcohol in those wipes might as well be replaced by a shot of vodka. A lot of makeup wipes pretty much consist of glycerin, oils and alcohol. Their aim is to remove the makeup with the glycerin, and bits of the oil, keep the face hydrated with the oil, and the alcohol dries the face off, and gets rid off that oily residue.  Which sounds to me like it's is supposed to do about two, three jobs in one. Sadly, a lot of the time, the alcohol irritates the skin, the oil irritates the skin and the the glycerin sometimes doesn't even do it's job. But most importantly, you still have bits of makeup, with oils sitting over it on your face. Here is a good diagram that I drew on paint.

If you can see, the makeup wipes lead to skin irriation, and not a clean face (which you want).
I also want to mention the wipes which you use -  the cloth, usually it either very soft, or very rough. And though they may be made up of very small fibres, imagine how they actually take off all the makeup with the friction you apply on it...

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