Monday, 18 November 2013

Best Oils for your Skin

Hi Everyone,
Here is another skincare blog post for you. This time I'm talking about oils - such as vegetable oils, which are the best for your skin, and which ones... are over or underrated.

1. Olive Oil
Probably the most used and loved vegetable oil in the beauty industry, olive oil has been known to be one of the natural moisturisers. Though, it's just not as great as the claims say it is.
-Thicker than most oils: Olive oil is generally thicker - especially extra virgin, and that can be a great trait for those who are wanting long hydration and personally enjoy the thicker texture. 
-Doesn't absorb as nicely and quickly as other oils. There is this chemical in olive oil called Squalene - which is also found in the skin and hydrates and moisturises the skin. But unfortunately, the squalene isn't absorbed by the skin by just applying olive oil.
-Olive oil is comedogenic - which means is can cause ACNE. The olive oil plugs the sebaceous gland, which releases oil and sebum. This causes the skin to become irritated and tah dah, acne. 
-Trap bacteria. Due to it's thicker consistency, olive oil easily catches bacteria, and that can cause infections in broken skin. 
You can see why I don't use olive oil in my skin care routine.

2. Grapeseed Oil
A less known oil in the market which is known for it's 'expensive' price tag (though it's pretty much the same price as most olive oils). 
-Thinner in consistency, and less pungent in scent. Grapeseed oil is easier to spread out, and weighs less on the skin, causing less irritation on the skin than some other oils.
-Provides anti-inflammatory properties and is a natural UV radiation damage inhibitor (not natural SPF, but helps out after or during skin damage).  
-Provides antioxidants for the skin to strengthen skin's connective tissue, hence less wrinkles being created.
-Really great on sensitive skin as less people are allergic to the oil, and has a similar pH to the skin
I'm currently using Grapeseed oil in my skin care routine, and I prefer to blend it in with my water base moisturiser.

3.Coconut Oil
A trendy oil getting to the top of the market due to it's amazing scent, and creamy texture
-Can be thick like a body butter, and is a dream to put on. 
-Has awesome acne fighting acids - capric acid and lauric acid which fights bacterial infections in the sebaceous glands. 
-Provides antioxidants for strengthening skin's connective tissue therefore, there are less wrinkles.
-Similar pH to skin, therefore less irritation! (best thing to come out of anything, is less irritation)
 I seriously need to jump on the train with this coconut oil bandwagon!

This is all I'm going to be posting tonight, but hopefully that helps for those uncomfortable about using oils. 
Best of luck with your skincare!

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