Friday, 13 December 2013

Update: Grapeseed oil and Coconut oil skincare

Hi everyone,
This is just a quick update from one of my previous blogposts on the best oils for your skin.
I was previously using grapeseed oil all over my skin, and body and said that I probably would adapt to using a bit of coconut oil within my skincare regime.
So, here are some personal results using those particular oils.
I found that my body really liked this oil. It was quite hard to adapt using oils in my skincare routine, because I wasn't really that found of using moisturiser in the first place (out of laziness haha), and using pretty strong oils was really quite hard, unless I added about a quarter cup of oil during my time in the bath tub, but I rarely bathed in the bath tub anyway. My face on the other hand, really couldn't deal with how much intensity the oil had. It was quite irritated, and I found that I easily go rashes after the first few days. So, I stopped using the oil on my face, and spent more time finding ways to add it to my body regime.
I bought the unscented melrose ave oil, which was pleasantly more expensive than I saw on the website. Damn you woollies. Anyway, I used a spoon to scrap the oil out and I applied it pretty much everywhere the first time. I felt that I didn't find the results to be very obvious in the first few days - which I was sadly dissappointed by. But, I remember that good skin care products don't shine htrough so quickly, so i just kept using it. Luckily this stuff didn't make my body irritated, but I didn't apply much on my skin, because I did a neck test the night before, and it didn't react so well. I've been using it in oat masks (recipe will be up soon) but that's as close as the oil gets to my face. Other than that, I've been really liking the coconut oil all over the body. It's slightly hard to work with on really cold nights, but I've adapted.

So, overall, I've disliked using the oils on my face due to irritation, but I've really liked both on the body. For more intense moisturising properties, go with grapeseed, but to be really honest, even with really dry skin, I kind of prefered coconut oil much more...
Alrightly, best of luck!
And if I don't post until after christmas, Merry Christmas!

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