Monday, 7 July 2014

Coconut Oil - Oil Cleansing and Moisturising Method REVIEW

Hi everyone,
I wanted to update you all on my oil adventures with using coconut oil as a cleanser and a moisturiser (I used them at different times).

(previous knowledge: my skin is super dry, dehydrated and is prone to eczema, psoriasis.)

Coconut oil slightly comedogenic for dry skin, but much more comedogenic for oily skins (4/5 on the comedogenic scale), and therefore if you start to break out from coconut oil, then it should be something you should take note of, and maybe stop using.

I used the Woolworths cold pressed coconut oil, which was good to use for not only cooking, but also skincare.

Personally, coconut oil was not the perfect moisturiser. As much as I do love the oily feeling that you get when using an oil as a moisturiser, coconut oil dried out my skin, and when I woke up from a good night of sleep slathered in coconut oil, I found more dry patches in my skin -  body and face, than I did the day before. But, if you didn't suffer from dry skin, I would really recommend trying it as a moisturiser if you like the oil moisturiser method.

Similarly, coconut oil didn't win it for me as a cleansing oil. It was nice to work into the skin, and took off my makeup in nanoseconds, especially with waterproof makeup, but it similarly dried out my skin after a while.
I actually didn't figure that it was the coconut oil which dried out my skin, until i started getting quite unusual ezcema patches on my whole face, and just broke out in areas which pimples have never been seen before.

I would advise anyone interested in coconut oil to patch test it, maybe for a few days. Overall, it was overly drying for my skin, and irritated it. Thus, I wouldn't recommend it for anyone with a similar skin type, but if you have normal to oily skin, and am not that acne prone, give it a try.


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