Sunday, 10 March 2013

Nyal Eczema Relief Cream Review

Nyal Eczema Relief Cream

Bright blue and located near the skin care and suncrnen section, I'm pretty sure if you had eczema, you wouldn't have not seen this baby.

QUALITY: As a person with mild eczema, and a lot of dry itchy skin all over the body, I was hoping this cream would be moisturising and make my skin less itchy.
It did help make my skin slightly less itchy, but not really that moisturising. 
I applied it all over my legs, and the rest of my body, double layering in the extra itchy places which didn't need steroid creams. For my body, I felt that it may have relieved a bit of the itch, but nothing that is too noticeable, or can't be fixed with Elocon (a prescription based cream for itchy bits, which will help a lot - and isn't a cortisone cream). 
I love the ingredients in the cream, with oatmeal (the BEST thing for dry and sensitive skin), and being paraben free was a plus. 

The thing I think that put me off this product is the smell, and the texture.
The smell  is this weird chemically smell. And even though they did say is was fragrance free, I felt like the scent was just off putting. I would have probably enjoyed something with a lavender oil, or even just some light scent which came from a natural ingredient. 
If you don't care what the scent is, then you should care about the texture. The texture is this thick thick cream. As an eczema sufferer, I HATE thick creams which I have to run into my skin, if I had a thinner cream as an alternative.
I applied a bit of this to my face, and due to the thickness of it, it actually irritated my skin. The thing is that you have to heat the cream up to thin it up, and with that, you end up having quite oily fingers, and your fingers probably end up absorbing all of it. It just didn't absorb into my skin as well as I hoped it to.

PRICE: You can buy it at coles or safeway (supermarket), therefore it's pretty cheap. I think it's around 8-10 dollars AUD, but it differs in size. For a 250mL eczema cream, it's very low in price point.

I like it, as it works, and I do use it from time to time, but it's not the ezcema cream I pick up every time. It's a bit too thick for my liking, and the scent puts me off straight away, so I have to mix it with some lavender oil, or I end up stinking. I think you should try it yourself, if you are in seek for a non steroid eczema cream, as you may like thicker creams, but I do believe there are better eczema creams out there.
RATING: 5/10


  1. Hello
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  3. I have had eczema for ten years and have always had trouble just keeping my skin moist. I found this very reasonably priced Nyal eczema cream in the supermarket.just great everyone has been commenting on how much better my skin looks....
